Prepping for the tax season is the least fun of all your business activities. As a small business, you might cringe at the idea of shelling out huge checks from your pocket. You start pulling your hair out in distress and wish you could switch off the situation in one snap. Knowing there is no running away from it is the first thing to get straight. Then, look for suitable ways to handle it swiftly. Sounds like a plan. Well, kick back, relax, and scroll it all. 1. Get an accountant: No, it wouldn’t cost you any more than you might already have wasted in terms of time and money. Unless you are also an accountant, get someone professional to do it. Avoid the risk of inadvertently doing something illegal that will cost you a lot more money in the long term. 2. Put your trust in the accountant: Your accountant wants you to make the most of the tax system with all the nitty-gritty of your finances in place. For your business's long-term success, you must build a strong and r...